
10 November 2005

this is me and my friend liz. (or "frost" as i call her). she has a blog too. that's probably why i'm doing this one, because hers is there too and stuff. yeah, well that's all. love you frost.

me Posted by Picasa

03 November 2005

today pictures, tomorrow the world

hi there, thanks for reading this short ugly blog. i'll have pictures and more crap on here soon, but this is just the 2nd day. forgive me. what a bore i am, i'm off to work.

jack-o-lantern latte Posted by Picasa

haloween cat Posted by Picasa

halloween latte art  Posted by Picasa

02 November 2005

hi this is the beginning

yes, i've done it. now all you voyeurs can peer in my windows (punny) and see my stupid nothings. read and read on if you please. or go away to sleep.