i'm so done...
i've put my phone in a cabinet and i think i'll change my message to say, leave me a message, or write me an e-mail.
i'm tired of the games and drama other people are going through around me. i don't want to help anymore. i can't even help myself. i don't want to be expected to be available or want to hang out or talk. i can be alone if i'm left alone.
i don't want to use this blog or other forms to communicate anything at all. this is an outlet. (see post: primary outlet) and i don't want it to be informative. this is the most direct thing i can put out right now. it's my intention. i will manifest the present unadorned me...my very own right now life.
i hope you are well. i hope i can do this honestly.
see you on the other side of my struggle. my melodrama must die. bye.
i'm tired of the games and drama other people are going through around me. i don't want to help anymore. i can't even help myself. i don't want to be expected to be available or want to hang out or talk. i can be alone if i'm left alone.
i don't want to use this blog or other forms to communicate anything at all. this is an outlet. (see post: primary outlet) and i don't want it to be informative. this is the most direct thing i can put out right now. it's my intention. i will manifest the present unadorned me...my very own right now life.
i hope you are well. i hope i can do this honestly.
see you on the other side of my struggle. my melodrama must die. bye.
When I first met you, I got the impression that you were an egotistical asshole. Then, for a second, I thought you might really be a nice guy in disguise. What I have come to find out is that you truly are that… someone walking in a guise trying to deceive people into believing you possess greater beauty and kindness. I regret that I ever got involved with and I wish that I never had any kind of relation with you. I guess I originally thought I could somehow help you… that I could quietly teach you how to appreciate and love most people, to seek that inner beauty out. All you ever did for me was bring me down. That’s not something I can say I’m thankful for. How can you expect others to like, respect and support you when you don’t offer the same? I can not be supportive of those people who are only jealous, pessimistic and discouraging.
I hope you’ve learned a lesson… or that someday you do. I hope you can take responsibility for your own happiness (or lack there-of). I hope you can learn to truly care for and befriend others. Then maybe, someday, you’ll understand what love is really about.
Good luck.
- JT
Anonymous, at 6:08 PM
What nerve! To blame another person for the careless actions of oneself… that is such a childish thing to do, at least from my perspective. My personal feelings toward you have no bearings on how you decide to behave. You were given lots of chances, even after Joe was at the end of his line with you. Your behavior was constantly negative, antangonistic and inappropriate. I do not assume the responsibility for you acting out of conduct. I am not your mother and I am not responsible for your life or your actions. Any person who takes their employment seriously knows the responsibilities of being a good worker. This not only includes showing up on time to work, but being able to get along with your team of co-workers. I tried my damnedest to keep our personal relations outside of work… and I tried even harder to dismiss the cruel, manipulative games you tried to play with me (at work and away). I feel pity for you, but I am not sorry for anything you’ve brought upon yourself.
Anonymous, at 6:16 PM
Regardless of the previous two posts (I believe I know who wrote them by the initials), I still consider, (given what little I've come to know), that you are a "nice guy." No, I didn't work w/ you... was never "involved" with you, so perhaps I see you in a different light.
Sorry to hear things have gone wrong... both personally and "professionally."
I wish you better luck w/ both.
Rocky Mountain Rat Girl, at 9:38 PM
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