all loosed up & unhinged
sitting clausterphobic & free
wine in lowball unwound now
would be a good time to
take a phone call, hands
empty, high stepping
through sand, dictionary
stares...words pinball
decide your easy black
fate. vampire come
squeamish and bow this
is bread not some bloody
adornment, or teeth to
crave such sweet red.
if i knew what love is i
would sleep forever to
not wake up alone
sitting clausterphobic & free
wine in lowball unwound now
would be a good time to
take a phone call, hands
empty, high stepping
through sand, dictionary
stares...words pinball
decide your easy black
fate. vampire come
squeamish and bow this
is bread not some bloody
adornment, or teeth to
crave such sweet red.
if i knew what love is i
would sleep forever to
not wake up alone
Waking up alone sucks. I've been doing it for over 2 1/2 yrs. now (since my last relationship). I continue to hope that I'm not doing it forever.
Rocky Mountain Rat Girl, at 6:02 AM
You haven't written in a while... where have you been? Hope all is well.
Rocky Mountain Rat Girl, at 9:10 AM
how is it you have absolutely nothing to write about?
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM
i got it! your computer lost you... the two of you were going for a walk, and off you wandered.... now it hushes with snow, the equivalent of crying in its tiny metal frame.. your fingers never press two keys at once anymore, never warm their small surfaces.. poor computer! but where are you?
Anonymous, at 6:10 PM
i'm so glad you found each other.
Anonymous, at 6:17 PM
"if i knew what love is i
would sleep forever to
not wake up alone
Isis, at 1:08 PM
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